Full Bio (english version)

Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Luca Poma

(Updated in 02/2025professional activities started in 1990)

Journalist and writer, author of books, essays and articles, he works as a University Professor and specialist in Reputation management. Involved both online and off in projects relating to digital media strategy and non-conventional communication, CSR and crisis prevention.

He is a professional member of FERPI – Italian Public Relations Federation, within which he deals with issues relating to ESG Ratings, sustainability and greenwashing, coordinating the working group for the drafting of the Self-regulation Code for the ethical management of reputation, included in February 2025 among the ethical and statutory documents of Ferpi. He is a member of the National Medical-scientific Information Union. He is a member of the “Non-Financial Information, KPIs and crisis prediction for SMEs” research group, within the Italian Organisation for Business Reporting – Sustainability, Non-Financial and Integrated Reporting (OIBR), the go-to body in Italy for reporting and disclosure of non-financial information and integrated thinking. He is a member of the national cultural promotion association Cultura Italiae, for which he coordinates the Comunicazione Italiae working group.

Speaker at one hundred and fifty congresses and study seminars, he is Professor at the “LUMSA University” of Rome (Vatican City), holder of the first teaching post in “Reputation Management” in Italy, where is supervisor on several experimental and graduation theses about corporate communication strategies and on integrated reporting; he is also Professor in Reputation Management on the Phd course on “Communication and Digital Media” at University of Bologna / University of the Republic of San Marino; teaches Digital communication strategy at the Master “Business Communication and Institutional Relations” by “Il Sole 24 Ore Business School” in Rome, Crisis communication at the Master “Communication, management and new media” by the University of the Republic of San Marino, Digital PR at the Master “Digital Marketing” by LUMSA University of Rome and Crisis Management at the Master in Intelligence & Security at LINK University of Rome. He is also member of the board and the scientific committee and teaches at Master “Crisis Management and Crisis Communication” by LUMSA University of Rome. In his role as a specialist in reputation & crisis management, he periodically participates as a teacher in training events at the Fondazione dell’Avvocatura Torinese “Fulvio Croce”

Author of the Il Sole 24 Ore (the first financial editorial groups in Italy), he published 17 books and over a hundred articles and essays for several publishers, among which Il Reputation management spiegato semplice, #Influencer, #Cryptomania, CSR 2.0: 15 rules for a new business model, New tools for CSR: Complex Neural Networks, Crisis Management: come comunicare le crisi, Il sex appeal dei Corpi Digitali e Caro Ministro – 12 mesi di diplomazia digitale, Crash Reputation

In 2011, it publishes the first Italian-language manual on crisis management; in 2020 it publishes the first Italian-language manual on reputation management; in 2024 he published the first manual in Italian dedicated exclusively to the analysis of case studies relating to reputational crises. In 2022/23, he is scientific coordinator of the research Ethical assertions of companies and False ESG, financed by the European Parliament, and presented in Brussels in June 2023 and at the Senate of the Italian Republic in October 2023.

He is a columnist for Italian and foreign magazines and radio, on the subjects of communication and sustainability, and has given two hundred interviews in print and on TV; Biagio Oppi’s blog lists him among “the 50 Italian faces of comms”. For his multistakeholder communication projects, in 2007 he collected the Silver Plate by the President of the Italian Republic, and in 2011 the “Public Affairs Award” for “Excellence in communication”, awarded in the Chapter Hall of the Senate of the Italian Republic. His sustainability and transparent & integrated reporting projects have won several national awards: “Sole 24 Ore Ethic Award”, “Good Practice Unioncamere Lombardia”, “Sodalitas Social Award”, “Piazza dei Mercanti Milan Chamber of Commerce”, “Awards for Excellence by Confindustria”,”Milan Productive Chamber of Commerce”,”Grandesign Etico”,”Plana Ethical Award”,”European CSR Award Scheme”,”Vedogreen Award”,”Tigers Grand Thornton”,”Unioncamere Responsible Enterprise”, “TopLegal Corporate Award”, “Visvamitra International Awards of Excellence”.

He contributed to the elaborate communication strategies for the World March for Peace, a social initiative to raise awareness about non-violence that unfolded – with over 300 events – 190,000 kilometers long in 98 countries around the world. In 2016, it was his and his team’s idea that led to the establishment of the first “Peace Manager” in Italy, with responsibility for conflict resolution and the implementation of projects on non-violence issues for companies.

He has worked since 1990 on projects developed in Italy, Jordan, India, Switzerland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Principality of Monaco, Kenya, Brazil, Morocco, Tanzania, Malaysia, Uruguay, Argentina, Russia, Romania, Hungary, China, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Benin and Colombia. His work has been subject of study at the Bocconi University in Milan and in nine other Italian universities, where graduate theses on his activities and his public affairs and communication strategies were discussed.

In the XVI Legislature he was Counselor for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic, for whom he drafted the strategic communication plan “MAECOM” and coordinated successfully the activities on the web 2.0 and the most innovative opportunities for promoting public visibility of the Minister. In April 2013, he was appointed as a member of the Working Group for the development of strategic communication policies of the Ministry of Defense of the Italian Republic.

From April 2013 to the present times, he is First Advisor to Ambassador Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, assisting him in his digital projection as President of the “Global Committee for the Rule of Law”, a transnational body that deals with projects on the theme of affirmation of the rule of law, and Senator President of the EU Policies Commission.

After having held the role of Public and International Relation Advisor of the photojournalism agency “Magnum Photos ®” for some years, he became a partner of the sustainability network “Lifegate”; as a volunteer, he also acts as the national spokesperson for the Committee “Giù le mani dai Bambini/Hands off children”, and is a member of the “Media activists” network that strives for an independent journalism, free from political and economic influence. He is also among the signatories of the “150 Letter”, an appeal by around 150 university professors for Italy to quickly but in safe conditions exit the COVID-19 lockdown. He is among the creators of the New Communication Manifesto. He coordinated the working group that drafted the Manifesto for ethics in communication in the influencer marketing area, published by the ONIM, the italian National Influencer Marketing Observatory.

He is one of the founding members of the innovative start-up company Reputation Management, for which he directs the Study & Research Center, and of the NGO Diligentia – Association for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development.

“As Jan Jukes reminds us, a shoal of sardines is made up of tens of thousands of fish and – as a whole – is bigger than a whale. Contrary to appearances, however, the shoal’s behaviour isn’t completely uniform: at any given moment, a small minority goes against the flow to change the direction of the shoal. This action causes disruption in the shoal, but a growing number of sardines will pay attention to the new direction. As soon as at least 20% convince themselves that the new direction is better than the old one something will automatically click and the entire shoal will simultaneously change direction and will take the new direction…”

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